Choosing the Best Parting for Your Face Shape

Everybody has different tastes, and it’s important that your hair is exactly the way you want it to be. The best advice we have for getting the exact look that you want is to speak with the experienced hairdressers at Alchemy in Berkhamsted.

However, there are a few guiding principles that can help you to figure out what kind of parting suits you the best.

Square Face

A square face shape will mean your forehead is around the same width as your jaw, and the width of your cheekbones is similar. The sides of your face will be fairly ‘straight’. Some celebrity examples to look at are Angelina Jolie, Billie Piper, and Jennifer Aniston. A side swept parting is great for you, as it softens the face slightly by giving a lengthening effect.

Round Face

If you have a round face shape, the width of your face will be similar to the length. Your hairline and jawline will be ‘rounded’ rather than angular. Some celebrity examples include Drew Barrymore, Hayden Panettiere, and Isla Fisher. Like those with a square face, you might want to elongate your face a little. A centre parting can work well here, as well as a deep side parting.

Oval Face

If you’ve got an oval face shape, the width of your forehead will be smaller than the width of your cheekbones, and the cheekbones will be the widest part of your face. Celebrities with oval face shapes include Beyonce, Cindy Crawford, and Julia Roberts. If you have an oval face shape, you can get away with most types of parting. An oval face can suit any kind of parting!

Diamond Face

If you have a diamond face shape, the width of your cheekbones will be more than the width of your forehead. Your chin may be pointed, and your cheekbones wider than your jawline. Celebrity examples include Rihanna, Tyra Banks, and Megan Fox. You can either accentuate your features by going for a middle parting or soften them a little by going for a side parting.

Heart Face

If you have a heart-shaped face, your forehead will be wider than your jawline, with your cheekbone width roughly the same as your forehead. Your chin may be pointed. Some celebrities with heart-shaped faces include Cheryl Cole, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Reese Witherspoon. A deep side parting can help to soften your cheekbones and draw attention away from your chin.

Oblong Face

If you have an oblong-shaped face, your forehead will be narrower than your cheekbones, with no sharp angles on your face. Your face will be longer than it is wide. Celeb examples include Sarah Jessica Parker, Lisa Kudrow, and Liv Tyler. A middle parting can be flattering for you, helping to create a little roundness in your face. You’ll also suit a fringe, too.

We hope this has helped you to figure out which type of parting you want. As always, though, you can break the rules if you want to – it’s important that you feel comfortable and confident! Pop in to our hair salon in Berkhamsted for a more personal approach to getting the style that will suit you best.

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